5. Backup important files

5.1. Software

A the moment, we suggest using the software rclone and connect this service to a cloud storage.

The easiest to install rclone is to use anaconda.

5.2. Configuration

Microsoft OneDrive (which we all have, using our @unipv.it email) can be connected by following instructions at this rclone page

The instructions to connect Google Drive instead are described here.

The configuration can be launched with the command:

rclone config

Just follow the on-screen step by step. During the configuration a token will be requested, which has to be generated on a browser. Since this cannot be launched automatically from EOS, please also install rclone on your local computer, and use the command

rclone authorize <name>

This will create a token string, which you can copy from your local computer and paste on the EOS terminal where you are configuring rclone.


Please note <name> is the name you assigned to the remote configuration on EOS

5.3. Test the software

You can now verify the setup by running the command:

rclone lsd <name>:

5.4. Copying files from EOS to your remote

You can now use either the command copy for single files:

rclone copy /source/path/file <name>:directory

Or the command sync for multiple files

rclone sync /source/path/directory <name>:directory